Samantha Morris
*** Please note that Samantha is taking an extended leave of absence. Please use the contact form to send her a message!***
Sam is an experienced midwife with additional training in pregnancy complementary therapies. Therapies offered include Pregnancy specific acupuncture, reflexology, massage, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, and moxibustion for breech presentation. Sam is also a baby massage instructor, and can offer evidence-based treatments with you in mind, holistically focusing on your needs.
Sam has completed the Diploma in Midwifery Complementary Therapies and the Certificate in Midwifery Acupuncture with Expectancy, the leading authority on maternity complementary therapies.
Acupuncture – Pre-conception for women with normal menstrual cycles. Pregnancy acupuncture for women with low-risk pregnancies from conception until postdates. Postpartum acupuncture, up to 12 weeks postnatal.
Reflexology – from conception until postdates and up to 12 weeks postnatal.
Aromatherapy – All stages of pregnancy.
Pregnancy massage – All stages of pregnancy and up to 12 weeks postnatal.
Moxibustion for breech presentation – can teach women how to support their breech baby to turn to head down position from 34 weeks gestation.
Rebozo – all stages of pregnancy.
Pregnancy Hypnosis – All stages of pregnancy.
Baby Massage Instructor – suitable from 4 weeks until babies are mobile.